
Co-registrations: is the practice of one organization, on its own subscription and membership registration forms, of offering subscriptions, memberships or leads to another organization.

In a recent Marketing Sherpa email study, 32% of marketers who gather new names via co-registration offers on third-party sites, say the names collected perform just as well as regular house names.

Now you can grow your in-house list and will not be limited to the offers/leads generated solely on your website.

Co-Registration or co-regs (as typically referred too) are the most affordable way to generate leads for direct marketing purposes. Here are a couple examples of how websites generate these co-registration leads for you.

  1. You register a piece of software, and in the process, you check a box on the form asking for information on the products and services of the company or its associates.
  2. You sign up for a free email account, social network, or to use an online service, and in the process, you check boxes asking for more information on a variety of niche topics that can range from business, to health, to pets, hobbies, etc…
  3. You subscribe to an ezine on a webpage, and in the process (or on the confirmation page), you are invited to subscribe to any of several other related ezines.

All of these are examples of generating a co-registration lead. In the process of taking one action, your prospect can also "co-register" for something else.

Common lead fields include: Full Name, Email, Entire Postal Address, Phone #, Gender, Age (DOB), 1-10 custom questions, IP address, Date and Time Stamp of co-registration as well as several other available fields.

Pricing for Co-registrations: is based on the amount of required fields by the Advertiser (ex: Email only would be the least expensive option at around $0.30 to $0.40 a lead typically).  When they register you are sent the lead information in real time or the files can be batched over daily.

Co registration leads year after year are demanding a larger portion of every Fortune 500 company’s online media budget.  Ironically, coreg leads are used by some of the biggest businesses, yet small marketers are sometimes reluctant to use them. If you have any questions about what types of companies are using our coreg leads you can visit our Clients Page.

Advantages of using co-reg leads are that you know the consumer is looking for something. If they took the time to check the box on the co-registration form, they have indicated they want that information about your product or service. With the correct follow up techniques you can manage these leads and make them extremely profitable and valuable to your business.


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